Pensychnant is open to everyone who appreciates nature, but if you would like to subscribe as a Supporter or to make a contribution towards the  work of the Pensychnant Foundation, this  would be very helpful.

Sorry but we are unable to accept card payments over the internet at the moment. Please print off this page and post with your cheque to Pensychnant, Sychnant Pass, Conwy, LL32 8BJ

Cheques payable to “Pensychnant Foundation” please

I/we would like to support Pensychnant:

Name(s)  .........................................................................................................................

Address  .......................................................................................……….......................

.............................................................................................. Post Code  ........................

Telephone Number........................…............... Date of Birth (if under 18)  ....................


I/we enclose £............ ....  to enrol as a Supporter of the Pensychnant Foundation

(Choose your own subscription level (minimum £15). We will continue to send the main  correspondence  (eg. programme of events) on paper. If you prefer this by email please tick here   Thanks ! Email saves costs.

OR I/ we do not wish to subscribe to Pensychnant at the moment, but  enclose a donation of £……..… to help the work of the charity.

OR I/ we do not wish to contribute financially at the moment but would like to be kept in touch via occassional emails please tick here

£……..… to help the work of the charity.

Bankers Order:            (Bankers orders save us administrative hassle  for the future)

To the manager  ............................……..........................................................................

....................................................................................……… (name & address of bank)

Please pay the Pensychnant Foundation at the Nat West Bank (52-21-49), Castle Street, Conwy, LL32 8BJ (account number 12002925) the sum of £..................  now and annually on the anniversary of this date, until further notice, and debit my account number ............................               

Name .............................................................................................................................

Address  .........................................................................................................................


Signed  .........................................................................................   Date  ........................

* delete if subscription for the current year has already been paid.

Gift Aid:       (All tax payers can now subscribe by Gift Aid. Pensychnant will benefit from your tax at no extra cost to yourself. Currently  (2014) Pensychnant can claim an extra 25p for every £1 given).

I  ....................................................................................…................………....(full name)

of  …………........……........……………….....................................……….....................

..…...........................................................................................................…........ (address)

wish my Supporter's subscription and any other donations which I have made, or will make in the future, to the Pensychnant Foundation (registered charity 1019184) to be treated as Gift Aid and for the charity to reclaim the tax which I have paid.

In each tax year, I pay UK income/capital gains tax which at least equals the sum of tax which will be reclaimed by all the charities/CASC’s to which I donate.  

Signed  .....................................................................................   Date  .................................

The Pensychnant Foundation is a registered charity. (No. 1019184) Please return this form to Pensychnant- NOT your bank. THANK YOU